

The Terrace Mutiny

Find The Terrace Mutiny at Misty River Books located at 4710 Lazelle Ave in Terrace.

The Terrace Mutiny was Canada's most serious and longest-lasting military mutiny. In November of 1944, in the isolated village of Terrace in northern British Columbia, hundreds and then thousands of conscripted Home Defence soldiers took up arms to protest the Canadian government’s decision to send them overseas, despite assurances they would only patrol national borders. This startling breach of discipline lasted for a week. It was largely censored in the media and by the government, and many of the facts have only recently come to light. Learn why and how the mutiny came about, with oral histories from local residents, war diaries, and declassified military documents.

Preserving the Past for the Present – An Oral History Project

Published by the Terrace & District Museum Society, this book is available at Misty River Books in Terrace, BC.

Preserving the Past for the Present is a collection of oral histories gathered from seniors and elders in the Terrace area. The stories represent voices from a broad range of different cultural, socioeconomic, and political backgrounds and perspectives. They give rich insight into the diverse narrative if Terrace and offer a taste of the warmth and resilience of the people who call this region home.


Virtual Exhibit on Lakelse Hot Springs

This exhibit, created by Heritage Park, includes archival photos of the Lakelse Hot Springs (under the ‘Gallery’ tab) as well as stories about the Hot Springs (under the ‘Stories’ tab).

Sm’algyax Dictionary

Sm’algyax is the language of the Tsimshian people, who have inhabited what is now known as the Terrace area for thousands of years. Sm’algyax words are on the left-hand side of the page and English words are on the right, along with a search bar that allows the user to look up English words in Sm’algyax.

Doug Gent’s History Pages

Doug Gent is an amateur historian and genealogist. Information about the Terrace area can be found by clicking on the ‘BC History Page Index’ link along the left-hand side of the page, which will reveal more links to Doug’s research on various subjects.

Terrace Public Library Local History Page

The Terrace Public Library website lists local history resources that are part of its collection. For lists of books on local history the library has (including books by local authors), select ‘Terrace Collection Book-lists’. For resources on the web, including photo galleries and historical articles, select ‘Online Resources’.


The Kitsumkalum, part of the Tsimshian nation, have been living in the Skeena area and beyond for thousands of years. Historical and cultural information can be found under “About” near the top-left of the page.


The Gitselasu, part of the Tsimshian nation, have been living in the Skeena area and beyond for thousands of years. Historical and cultural information can be accessed by clicking on ‘About Kitselas’ on the left-hand side of the page.

Geotour guide for Terrace, BC

This geological survey of the Terrace area provides information about Terrace’s geological characteristics and history.

First World War Records

Library and Archives Canada is gradually digitizing and uploading Personnel Records from the First World War. Under the ‘Search: Database’ tab, users can search by surname, given name, and regimental number. Clicking on ‘Advanced Search’ allows users to search by place of birth and/or place of attestation. Not all fields need to be filled; sometimes less precise searches will yield more results.

Newspaper Archives

Eleanor Muehle Newspaper Archive (Terrace and area, from 1911 to 2006)

The Eleanor Muehle Newspaper Archive is a online searchabe database of Terrace’s newspapers hosted by the Terrace Public Library. The newspapers were digitized from microfilm reels, and then converted from images into searchable text. There are some gaps in searchability, but the database is in the process of being updated. Users can search by keyword and/or date in the top search bar.

Victoria Colonist (Victoria and province-wide, from 1858 to 1951)

The Victoria Times Colonist has converted the 1858-1951 issues of one of its founding papers, the British Colonist, to a digital archive. Keywords can be entered in the search bar, and users can also select ‘Browse by Date’ (underneath the search bar).

Prince George Newspaper Archive (1909 to 2009)

This archive contains past issues of several Prince George Newspapers. Users can search keywords or dates via the search bar, or click on the newspapers’ titles to reveal archives by year.

BC Historical Newspapers

This site, managed by UBC Library, provides a list and map of historical newspapers in British Columbia. The entire collection can be searched by using the search bar, or individual titles can be explored by clicking on them (along the left-hand side of the page).

Other museums and archives